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Collaborations & Marketing

Are You An Influencer That Would Like To Work With Kustom Products Inc?
Please submit your request with the following information to subject line: Influencer:
#1. Your Social Media handles and direct links to all of your accounts
#2. What product you are looking to showcase and why
#3. Why should Kustom Products Inc work with you? Why does your audience fit our brand/product?
#4. What are you looking for in exchange for working with Kustom Products Inc?
What Kustom Products Inc Looks For In Influencers:
#1. Relevance-Share content that is already in our industry or aligns with our target market 
#2. Reach-How many people you reach with your post that are actually followers
#3. Resonance-The level of engagement you can create with an audience relevant to your brand. This is not how many followers you have, rather how those followers reach to your posts/marketing. We are interested in micro-influencers with a loyal following as well as larger influencers.
#4. Google analytics/UTM data from former campaigns you did with other brands