Kustom Products Inc. is unveiling a new product... Charcuterie Board!!!

Looking for something NEW?? We have it!!
Kustom Products Inc. is unveiling a new product
Charcuterie Board!!!
‘charcuterie’ (“shaaarcooterrie”) sounds fancy!
And who can ever pronounce it?
(this helps though…if only words were spelt like they sounded)
Let’s just say what it is…a meat and cheese board, sometimes with bread, fruit, nuts and other delicious things.
Who invented Charcuterie?
- The French invented it sometime in 15th Century (1400’s)
- Italian meats are used a lot, so people think the Italians invented it
Doesn’t matter who invented it; People all over the world love it…
What is Charcuterie? Modern vs. Traditional
- Traditional Charcuterie is heavily focused on the meat (always having a variety) - cooked, cured, sealed and thinly sliced to serve on a platter…or in this case a great looking Board!!
- Salt was used to cure meats and the Romans did it 2,000 years ago
- Modern Charcuterie is different around the world
- The cooked or cured meat is still the main item
- Lots of options - mostly to make the meat go further
- Meat is paired with other snacks
- Cheaper to serve - cut vegetables or nuts cost less than meat
- The meats should have different cheese that go with it!
It ‘s purpose is to serve delicious things for you and your guests to eat;
Who doesn’t like finger food??? We love it!!
Let’s face it…It looks great Too!!
Great Ideas…
Here’s what you get!!!Uncoated bamboo cheese board
Wow…everything you need…just add meat, cheese or anything else you like!!
This is quickly becoming our #1 Gift For New Homeowners!
Want yours? Here are the links to the Cityscapes & The Names In The Corners!
Cityscapes: https://www.kustomproductsinc.com/products/cityscape-charcuterie-board
Names In Corner: https://www.kustomproductsinc.com/products/personalized-charcuterie-board